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What do you want to change?

You may choose to experience rapid healing in some or all of the following areas:


Find love, and engage in healthy relationships.

Let go of painful patterns and dynamics with loved ones.​

Stop beating yourself up.  Increase self-confidence, acceptance, love and compassion.

Attract better partners, set healthy boundaries, and stop letting old baggage and triggers get in the way. Stop feeling broken, or unloved.

Let go of negative opinions of yourself impressed upon you in your youth, and learn to treat yourself with the compassion and caring of a close friend.


"This works like magic! I am amazing!

Everyone is responding super positively to me. 

My new love interest is moving back from Chicago. We had a great night on Sunday.. like the best ever. 

I really feel fantastic!


"My dysfunctional ex texted me that he wanted me back and wanted to make us whole, blah blah blah.

"Normally I'd have a breakdown, but I did not have one anxious reaction. 

"I told him he needs to work on himself, that I want him to be happy and stop hurting himself and others, and that I am completely done with us.

"I didn't even blink an eye! That is NOT my normal reaction!"


- Name protected for client privacy -


Conquer fears and phobias.

Reduce stress and improve your life, health, and vitality.

Overcome trauma and limitations such as a fear of flying, heights, or public speaking, among others. Experience life free from psychological challenges that hold you back and cause anxiety and suffering.

Stress is one of the worst forces we can allow to be inflicted on ourselves, impacting health, energy levels, and happiness.  Reducing stress is one of the best things we can do for our overall health and well-being, and can even help to reduce the aches and pains in our bodies from stored emotional strife.



For half my life I had a terrible fear of flying that would bring me to tears, and trigger panic attacks that had me feeling like my life would end every time I boarded an airline.  On a flight to New York, my entire body went numb and stiff, and if it had been possible to lift my arms at the time I would have Googled in all seriousness: "Is it possible to die from fear or shock?"

I did not know at the time that I when I was one year old, I had been on a plane, that had landed with the engine in flames.  And yet some part of my subconscious mind remembered.  Every time I boarded a plane, that part of me was convinced I was dying.  And it felt like it. 

After I began working with this technique, I boarded a flight to see my family.  I sat with tears in my eyes watching the flaps on the planes wings raise and lower - an equipment check before take-off.  And I noticed a thought going through my head:  "Any one of those pieces in the wing could break, and we will fall out of the sky."  That was the moment I realized what the issue was.  I didn't trust the pilot.  I didn't trust the mechanics.  And I certainly didn't trust the plane.

I got to work, testing my negative beliefs about the plane and it's crew, and replacing the negative beliefs that came up with opposing, positive ones.  I only had about ten minutes before the plane rose into the air, but it was enough.  I adjusted my belief systems about the safety of the plane and the competence of it's crew.  And as it glided up over the city, a city I had never been able to look at from so high above for fear of fainting or worse, I looked out the window and smiled from ear to ear.  I felt free.


Release grief and sadness from past trauma.

Experience increased joy and a more peaceful state of being.

Heal your heart. Allow new experiences to be uncolored by the past, reducing the need to react in uncontrollable or unproductive ways.



Nancy was suffering from prolonged heartbreak and an inability to let go of a painfully dysfunctional on/off relationship that had stretched her like a rubber band for years. She had a pattern of being used by men - temporarily, but never seriously.  As we worked together on how this dynamic came to be, unravel, and heal it, she softened in her chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just felt my hips relax!" She exclaimed. "Everything just let go... It's like I was this big ball of tension and now I'm not.  I didn't even realize I was like that!"

The cells in our body remember trauma alongside our brains. Aspirin can soothe even emotional heartache. To our bodies, pain is pain, and it is registered in the same areas of the brain, whether the cause is physical or emotional. It is because of this biology, that emotional pain can have the same stressful results as physical pain.  Release the grief and sadness, and healing begins instantly and naturally.

- Name changed to protect client privacy -


Achieve your goals, easier and faster.


Excel at your career, or make a smooth transition.


Increase prosperity. 

Get unstuck.

Negative beliefs about yourself and the world around you, are responsible for draining your energy and confidence, and can cause fear or anxiety which keeps you stuck.

By releasing the negative energy that is blocking your natural vitality, you can move toward your goals with increased ease and effectiveness.  Your motivation and drive become easy to observe, and attract a higher caliber and quantity of clients.  Success becomes easier, and more joyful.


Make mental shifts that support the physical changes needed, to lead you on a path towards a comfortable life doing what you are really passionate about.



Updates and stories are coming soon!



Are you avoiding steps you need to take because the anxiety or fear is too much to handle, but then you feel stuck or can't seem to make progress?

Do you keep tripping over the same obstacles in life, or shooting yourself in the foot?

Do you keep attracting people that are emotionally unavailable or don't support you?

Upsetting patterns in our lives are highly indicative of subconscious beliefs that are no longer serving our highest good. Fixing them can reach into and heal multiple areas of our lives.

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