Breakthroughs and accelerated progress being experienced by my clients
Holding Tension and Letting Go
Nancy was suffering from prolonged heartbreak and an inability to let go of a painfully dysfunctional on/off relationship that had stretched her like a rubber band for years. She had a pattern of being typecast by her partners into a vixen role, to be used temporarily, but never seriously. As we worked together on how this dynamic came to be, unravel, and heal it, she softened in her chair and breathed a sigh of relief.
"I just felt my hips relax!" She exclaimed. "Everything just let go... It's like I was this big ball of tension and now I'm not. I didn't even realize I was like that!"
The cells in our body remember trauma alongside our brains. Aspirin can soothe even emotional heartache. To our bodies, pain is pain, and it is registered in the same areas of the brain, whether the cause is physical or emotional. It is because of this biology, that emotional pain can have the same stressful results as physical pain.
The muscles of the body contract when we are experiencing stress, so that we are ready for a fight, or flight. If the stressor does not relent, the constriction within the body can become chronic, and lead to structural and other health imbalances. Replacing negative beliefs can have a huge positive impact, on mind, body and spirit.
Personal Power: Her Brother's Unwelcome Friends
Becky had been having strange experiences. She spoke in a hushed tone.
"Am I crazy?! I swear my brothers apartment is haunted... Things move!" She held up her arm, covered in goosebumps. "I feel really icky in certain rooms. Like someone wants me out..."
She went into detail about the apartment: how she felt unwelcome, and like someone was watching her. She worried that less sensitive people would think she was crazy for feeling things they didn't.
We used her session to create strong boundaries, and allow her to own her personal power - including her gift - the ability to sense that there was something strange about her brother's apartment.
Later that week her brother's friend which she referred to as "a creeper" came over. She said normally he would stress her out, by hovering around her endlessly, despite her clear disinterest. Recalling our work, she envisioned a boundary of light around herself... at which point he immediately retired to the other room to read.
Upsetting patterns in our lives are highly indicative of subconscious beliefs that are no longer serving our highest good. Fixing them can reach into and heal multiple areas of our lives.
Harnessing the Power of the Laser-Wolf
Thea was working with issues around fear. She felt vulnerable constantly and was having bad anxiety. As she was sitting with her eyes closed toward the end of one of her balances she spoke.
"I see a wolf... It has red eyes like laser beams."
"Is it doing anything?" I asked about the wolf's significance.
"No. Just standing there staring. It's right there." She held her hand in front of her face.
We both came to the same likely conclusion - the wolf probably signified fear and she needed to confront it. I tested her energy to see if the wolf was fear.
The answer was No.
I thought.
"Is the wolf Thea?" I tested her energy again.
It was an exciting moment. We had resolved an extremely traumatic issue she had carried most of her life. Things were going to be so much easier for her now.
"The wolf is you." I told her. "That is how powerful you are."
"No one messes with a wolf, with laser beams for eyes." She said, with a huge smile.