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All sessions and session packages are pre-pay, required at the time of scheduling. Payment is accepted via VenmoPayPal, Cash, and Check. Personal checks may be mailed, and must be received prior to session date. (Bounced checks incur a $30 fee.)



Cancellation policy:


Full refund or rescheduling for sessions will be given when notice is received 48 hours before scheduled appointment time.  Notice of cancellation must be via email or phone call/text.


Appointments canceled less than 48 hours in advance are considered billable appointments and refunds / rescheduling will not be made.



Late appointments:


If you are late to start your phone session by 30 minutes or more, your appointment may be forfeited, as other appointments may be booked immediately after your scheduled time.  Call as soon as you know you will be late.  If there is a possibility to accommodate the late arrival time slots may be adjusted.  If there is only time to complete a partial session due to late arrival it is considered a full billable appointment.



Changing Session Times:


Once your appointment has been scheduled it is requested that you keep your scheduled time. Please be aware that other appointments are scheduled around yours. Occasionally unexpected circumstances may arise. If there are extenuating circumstances, please bring them to my attention and I will do my best to accommodate you. Likewise, if I need to alter an appointment time, I will do my best to give you at least 48 hours notice.



Privacy policy:


Your privacy is important.  Personal and private information gathered through this website or session notes will never be used without your permission.  This information includes, but is not limited to, names, phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, banking information, and session notes.  Personal information is not collected without your knowledge & consent.


As a client you agree to allow the sharing of your Success Stories publicly through written form (see Successes page).  Names and identifying details will be modified to maintain anonymity unless specifically allowed by the client.  Testimonials & Success Stories may be included in brochures, websites, articles, blogs or other media suitable for written content.





A Guided Mind and Psych-K a helpful resource for many physiological, psychological, and spiritual concerns.  They can effectively be used in conjunction with, but are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, drug therapy, surgery, radiation, or other conventional mental health or medical interventions.  Proper medical exams and diagnostic evaluations by your physician or other mental health professionals are an important aspect for healing and wellness.  Belief Change Psychology is purely for the modification of beliefs and their relationship to wellness.

Psych-K may be considered a nonstandard approach, purely for the modification of beliefs and their relationship to wellness, and you acknowledge in working together that I am not a psychotherapist or physician of any kind.


My goal is to help you move past blocks and release stress and discomfort so you can live your life being the best version of yourself possible, however each individual's process is unique, and there is no exact outcome that is specifically guaranteed. 


I make every effort to enable my clients to achieve healing with as little discomfort as possible, but please be aware, there may be temporary periods of upset during this process as old beliefs or stressors are recalled and released, as well as a possibility that clients may recall memories they may have suppressed. Typically by the end of each session, clients experience decreased stress levels, and an increase in joy, and their ability to function in a healthy manner.


Be well.

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